Binding my William: The book

Mijn oog viel op een prachtige uitgaven van King Lear  door de Circle Press, met negen originele etsen van Christopher Kent. Ondanks het feit dat het boek al van 1973 stamt, is het nog steeds betoverend mooi. Het papier, de druk, de bladspiegel en niet te vergeten 9 schitterende etsen,.. Alles aan dit boek is schitterend uitgevoerd,.. nu nog een passende binding.

My eye fell on a beautiful edition of King Lear by the Circle Press, with nine original etchings by Christopher Kent. Despite the fact that the book is already dating from 1973, it is still enchanting. The paper, the printing, the layout and not to forget 9 amazing etching, .. Everything about this book is beautifully done, .. now an appropriate binding.

In de aankondiging van de International Bookbinding Competition 2013 was het volgende te lezen:
In the announcement of the International Bookbinding Competition 2013 you could read the following:

It is with great pleasure that Designer Bookbinders
announces the 2nd International Bookbinding Competition in association
with Mark Getty and the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford. There will be no ‘set
book’. Instead the competition will have the theme of Shakespeare.
The binder may choose any edition of Shakespeare’s work in any language.
They can choose his dramas, his poetic works, a single play or a collected
volume, or a text relating to his life and work.

More/Meer info:

Ik moest dus op ‘jacht’ gaan naar een eigen boek,…
So I had to “hunt my own book,